The Strife of Camlann is Released!
The Strife of Camlann, Book II of The Arthurian Age is now available! Follow the continuing story of King Arthur and the world he lived and died for.
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The Strife of Camlann, Book II of The Arthurian Age is now available! Follow the continuing story of King Arthur and the world he lived and died for.
We’re known for going over the top with our costumes at Halloween. Check out how we made up for missing 2020!
The Arthurian Age brought the Dark Ages to New England’s biggest and oldest Renaissance Fair with a book signing and talk about King Arthur.
Richard Alvarez was a true Renaissance man. His research was invaluable to my depiction of the use of cavalry in The Retreat to Avalon.
What sort of military training existed in the Dark Ages? Does it have any impact on today?
What sets The Arthurian Age series apart from other stories of King Arthur? History, legend and more! This article explains the series.
Mordred is portrayed as an evil, cruel, betrayer, responsible for the battle that destroyed King Arthur’s Golden Age. But is it justified?
A look at the original Green Knight story, the recent movie version, and my own adaptation for The Retreat to Avalon.
Hi folks! I know, in my last article I said I would talk about an important character in The Retreat to Avalon. It’s coming, but today is opening ceremonies day for the Olympics in Tokyo, and my interest in Greek history, not to mention the Olympics, is making me take a side road for a … Read more
Go behind the scenes of The Retreat to Avalon for a boisterous ancient ball game with hundreds of contestants played over miles of field.