My Way To Say Thanks

Hi folks, I’m checking in today to let you know about something new and pretty cool I’m offering. Have you ever wanted to get a book signed by the author, but didn’t know how to do it, or want to pay for shipping the book back and forth, if you could even contact the author? … Read more

Meet Dmitry Yakhovsky

Hi folks. Today I’d like to introduce Dmitry Yakhovsky, a fantastic artist who made the cover art for The Retreat to Avalon. My first contact with Dmitry was through my publisher, Tim at MadeGlobal Publishing. Dmitry has been doing their book covers for some time now. Mine is a good example of how a great … Read more

Opening Day!

A five year mission to explore old worlds, seek out ancient truths and crumbling civilizations… has finally resulted in Launch Day! As a first time author, it’s not easy to find people clamoring to stand in line and get the book they’ve never heard of, but I wanted to do something for launch day, get … Read more