The Coming Attractions

Hi folks! Just a short post today to let you know what’s coming. The publishing process continues and I’m working on some short stories and maps to go along with the books. I’m also writing a series of blog posts to fill in the historic background behind the stories. A lot has changed in the … Read more

It’s Official!

The Retreat to Avalon

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m excited to introduce the cover of my upcoming book: The Retreat to Avalon Book I of the series: The Arthurian Age I had a hard time coming up with that name, considering the theme of my series and the vast amount of Arthurian literature that already exists. I even went to Facebook … Read more

Big Things Ahead!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Bad blogger. The holidays keep everyone busy, and I could blame the snow I keep having to dig my way out of. But the main reason is that I have been writing like crazy. Aside from editing, I have crafted some freebies. One is a basic Q&A about … Read more